
Luisa Heese (ed.): Concrete ArtKunst in Europe after 1945
The Peter C. Ruppert Collection
Museum im Kulturspeicher Würzburg, Wienand Verlag Köln 2022

Počedělice, 15 July 2023 

Most, 20 February 2023

Louny, 8 February 2023
Rozhovor Kateřiny Zemanové s Lenkou Sýkorovou pro web ČT ART.

Počedělice, 9 July 2022

The realization of the new square in front of the Louny Theater, which is dominated by Zdeněk Sýkora's geometric composition from 1962, is in a selection of important works in the Architectural Yearbook 2019-2020, which this time was compiled by Petr Hájek, architect of 2018:

A new postcard with the work of Zdeněk Sýkora Line No. 116 has 
been published. It was published by the EIB (European Investment Bank)
in Luxembourg as an important work from its collection. Until 24 April 2022,
this painting was part of the exhibition BELONGING in Hunt Museum Limerick.

Počedělice, 17 July 2021

The Gallery of the Central Bohemian Region (GASK) has issued a new set of postcards of works by Czech artists represented in the gallery’s collections, including reproductions of Zdeněk Sýkora’s White Square (The Assumption of a Square) (1961) and Lines No. 115 (1994).

Počedělice, 11 July 2020
The event was held as part of the celebrations commemorating Zdeněk Sýkora’s 100th birthday.

3rd annual festival
Louny, Masaryk Gardens
20 September 2019
7 p. m. – 12 midnight

Louny, Vrchlický Theatre
20 September 2019
3 p. m. – 7 p. m.

Work on the piazzetta started on 4 June 2018 with completion scheduled for 23 September, but work had to be interrupted shortly before the finish until the spring of 2019. Work resumed on 4 June 2019 and the piazzetta was finally completed on 24 June. The City of Louny unveiled the work in a ceremony held on 15 July 2019.

Zdeněk Sýkora’s painting Lines No. 56 – Humberto (1988, oil on canvas, 200 × 200 cm, held by the Olomouc Museum of Art) has been printed on a Czech Post stamp.

Počedělice, 13 July 2019

In a survey commemorating the centenary of Czech independence, Zdeněk Sýkora’s Lines No. 24 was nominated among the top ten works of Czech visual art of the last one hundred years.
One Century of Visual Art: Století vizuálního umění

Počedělice, 15 July – 20 July 2018
The regular art symposium was held in and around Počedělice on the banks of the Ohře River, in an area where Zdeněk Sýkora enjoyed painting.

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